Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Different kind of Pregnancy

It's been seven years since I was last pregnant and I must admit it is a completely different experience to find yourself paper pregnant. I think back to the early days of knowing we were expecting Gracie. I remember the excitement I felt that was quickly followed by weeks and weeks of nausea and vomiting. The thrill of finding out that God was blessing us with our second little girl was followed by bed rest and uncertainty. The anticipation of her arrival, was coupled with her flipping nightly so we were kept guessing as to whether or not I would require a c-section. I remember thinking in the middle of all of it that I was thankful for the days of feeling crummy, for the inconvenience of bed rest, and for the uncertainty of how she would arrive. You see, I knew on the other side of all of the highs and lows of pregnancy was going to be a beautiful baby girl, a blessing from God, a gift to our family!
This time around it is not nausea or bed rest I find myself dealing with. Instead it is a massive stack of papers to fill out, finger printing appointments, background checks, and medical visits, coupled with working to raise the funds needed to bring our kids home. It is laying in bed at night as I pray for our kids and wonder what they are doing half a world away as their new day begins. It is my heart aching for all of the pain they have already had to face in their young lives. I can't imagine losing both of your parents before the age of six. All of these things can overwhelm me at times. I am constantly having to remind myself that it is God who called us to adopt and it is God who in His own way and His own time is going to see it thru to completion. It is through all of these tedious tasks, through our aching hearts that we get one step closer to our family being together . One step closer to a sweet six year old girl who has a beautiful smile and an obvious zeal for life that shines through in her pictures. One step closer to a precious three year old boy whose big brown eyes and shy smile have already stolen this mama's heart. One step closer to the blessing and gift that awaits in getting to meet our children face to face. One step closer to them knowing that they are no longer orphans, that God has given them a mother and a father and two sisters to love them. One step closer!
So, I will gladly tackle all of the paperwork, appointments and fundraising. Because in the end after all of the paperwork is submitted, appointments are done and money is raised it will be God, who in His perfect timing brings together the family He saw from eternity past. I can't wait for that day!!!


Dolores said...

Makes a Grammy cry and to anxiously await that day too! I love you and praise God for you!

heatherjo said...

Your love for your babies is already shining through. Have peace in knowing that they are HIS and HE will bring them home in perfect time. I love being able to empathize here....feels very special. I am blessed just to be able to witness this incredible journey of yours, my beautiful friend. So much joy to come!!

Lindsey Nicole said...

What a sweet expression of love this is! So excited for you. I hope the process seems speedier than it actually is for you and that you will have those sweet children sooner than you expect!

Missy Hauser said...

I love it!! This is the second blog I'm reading tonight updating me on friends adoptions around the world..I just love it! I'm sooo excited for your family!

mom2three said...

Thinking about your babies daily :) Love this because it is so TRUE! We are very excited to follow along and encourage and pray for you and Robert.

David Leventhal said...

Excited for you guys & this new journey the Lord has y'all on!!

Anonymous said...

Great expression of your growing love for these precious little ones. Thinking about you every day and about those little ones and their ability to press on amidst their daily trials. Soon and very soon they will not have to worry about being loved and cared for! We love you guys.

Jenny Smucker said...

This is encouraging and so beautiful! I'm so excited that God is leading you in this direction... and look forward to hearing of the remainder of the journey there. :)