Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Livingston's are Adopting!!

It all started with the story of a 23 year old young woman who traded in her comfortable life as an American teenager at the age of 19 and moved to Uganda. Since then she has become a mother to 14 girls and daily feeds and cares for over a thousand Ugandan children . God brought Katie Davis' story to me a couple months ago to transform my heart, literally to break my heart and the wall that had built between God and me for the past year and a half. A wall that stemmed from the suffering I watched my mother endure through her battle with cancer. I was witness to the grueling road of stage four cancer and watched my mother who had been so young, vibrant, and full of life fade into a woman I hardly recognized because of the devastation of chemo-therapy.

I was wrestling with the problem of suffering. The question I had was simple – “Why?” Why was God so silent when I cried out night after night as I watched her suffer? It was not that I struggled with Gods sovereignty. I truly believed that God has numbered our days and that if this was my mom’s time to go home I could accept it. But, why was He so silent in the midst of the darkest nights of suffering? Was He the type of God who would remain silent in our darkest hour? As my mother went home to Him I was left to wrestle through the after effects of all I had witnessed of her suffering. Slowly but surely over time there seemed to be a wall growing between my God and me. It was a wall of my own making to be sure, but a wall nonetheless. I struggled to pray, and to read my Bible. Yet even in the middle of that if I really stopped and listened I could still hear God calling out to me, through a song, through my wonderful husband, through the promptings of His Spirit who dwells in me.

Enter in the blog of Katie Davis - a young woman I don't know who lives half a world away. She has put aside her comfort, her desires, and her hopes and dreams to take up the cross of Christ. She is giving her life away so that more may know Him and that He may be glorified through her life. As I read her story God revealed to me that all who truly follow Him are called to join in His suffering. The nights I spent by my mother’s bedside as she was crying out in pain and as I was crying out in desperation, He was not distant. It was His tears I was crying. He also was familiar with suffering and it was His heart I felt for her. He was not silent. He was there the whole time loving her thru me. I got to be His hands and feet. I got to share in His suffering. I got a chance to die to myself and let Him live. My broken heart was really His. What I realized from reading this young woman's blog is that we as Christians are not exempt from having a broken heart. In fact our hearts will break over and over for the things that break Gods heart.

I mentioned before that Katie had become a mother to 14 girls. One of those girls is no longer in her home. She had to let go of one of her sweet girls, release her and trust in the Lords sovereignty. I can't even imagine how her heart must break. But when we follow Christ we are not guaranteed an easy road that is safe. It is a road filled with risk and danger and it is going to cost us something. In fact it should cost us our very life. We are called to daily die to ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him into the hard places.

You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with the Livingston's adopting. Let me explain. My husband Robert has wanted to adopt for years and I have always been the one to find reason after reason why this is not the right time, or why we probably couldn't handle more kids etc... What I finally realized through this journey is I was afraid to risk loving! I was afraid of getting my heart broken. I was afraid of the cost (and by that I don't mean monetary). Through the life of a 23 year old woman in Uganda God broke my heart for what breaks His heart! God challenged me to follow Him into the hard places and risk loving even when it may break my heart. So, friends please pray for us as we follow His call.

Let me share with you where we are at in the process. We had been praying that God would open a door and show us where He desired for us to adopt from. We didn't know if that would be locally through our foster care system or internationally from someplace like China or Uganda. We prayed for God to open a door and we started to seek out information. As we waited we were asked to pray for another couple that was presented with an opportunity to adopt a baby boy from Ghana. My friend knew we were praying about adopting and she encouraged us to consider Ghana. We weren't even aware that international adoption from Ghana was possible. Robert spent some time years ago in Ghana training pastors and had always hoped to be able to go back. We prayed and started to make contact with a pastor in Ghana who runs an orphanage in Accra with his wife. Also we connected with a wonderful couple in Knoxville who is working with this pastor. We began to see a door opening! After several conversations and more prayer we were presented with several sibling sets and individual children that needed families and asked to pray that God would show us if any of these children were to become Livingston's. We also asked the couple in Knoxville and the pastor and his wife to pray, along with several of our friends. After praying we felt led to a specific sibling set. We called and talked with everyone involved and it was confirmed through them that this sweet brother and sister were to come and be a part of our family!!! So we have begun the process to bring them home, and couldn't be more excited! I will write another post later sharing more of where we are in the process and more about our kids! Please be praying for us. There is a mountain of paperwork and a ton of funds to raise to be able to bring them home. We know that this will be an incredible journey that we hope God uses to not only bring home our children but also to change all of us. So stay tuned, we invite you to take this journey with us and pray that God would also break your hearts for the things that break His. If you want to read the story of Katie Davis you can click on the Amazima button on this blog.


pellow said...

Excited, nervous and happy for you, Robert and the girls. Looking forward to learning more about the kiddos.

Love you all,


Kelly Hudgins said...

I am so excited and happy for you, Robert, Hope, and Grace! Please keep up with your blog!

Miss you,
Kelly (and Anna and John)

Marty said...

Monica, your sweet story made me cry. I hope you know your words ministered to me too. I am so very sorry your mother had such a hard battle with her cancer. I am thrilled that your wall has be broken! I LOVE adoption stories and I love following Katie too. I appreciate your honest heart and words. I will be praying for you guys as you start a wonderful labor of love. I have an adopted child, birth a child and I guess you could say step children and hands down the journey God took me on through the adoption process is like no other journey. You will get to see some amazing miracles happen. He is about the weak and needy and He loves the orphans. Love to you all and Happy 2011

Amanda M said...

Mon, I am so excited for you, Robert, Hope and Grace. I know that these children are blessed to be coming into your family, because I've been blessed to be a part of it for 35 years. God will always provide, and I'll be praying that the process goes smoothly for everyone involved. Love you!

Sharon said...

Wow!! I am not sure if you know that my sweet, sweet mom went to be with the Lord just over a year ago after a year long fight with cancer. She was diagnosed the fall after we came home from China with Hudson and the first thing that I thought when she called me and told me her diagnosis was "I am SOOOO grateful she was able to go to China with us"...she had always wanted to travel there and what a joy it was for her to be part of bringing our boy home. She LOVED China and the timing of Hudson's referral was so the Lord.
I too was with her when she died....she wanted to be at home and I flew up when she took a quick and fast turn for the worse. My other siblings were there but I ended up doing most of her care/meds, etc as she was in hospice and it was horrible and wonderful all in one. I feel like I am just "waking up" after the fog of bringing Hudson home, her diagnosis, moving to MN for 7 months to be with her, her death 3 weeks before Christmas, turning around to go back to MN last year and trying to "remake" her Christmas's for my siblings and now the year of "firsts"....that combined with "starting over" with a toddler and having three teenagers, Hudson's surgery and recent diagnosis of epilepsy has caused me to find places deep inside of me of fear, anger and disapointment that I didn't know exsisted.

On the adoption side of were Mark...I, for 15 years prayed he would join me in my deepest desire to adopt and it was a loooong process before he "got it"....and his reluctance were pretty much what you described but his fears came from his own history with abandonment by his parents, foster homes, orphanges and knowing how hard it is from the "kids" side and yet how so very wonderful it is. He had a lot to work through and even once we started the process and he KNEW this was God's plan for us it didn't take away all his questions and fears. It took us a full year to do the paperwork mainly because when it came to Mark writing his part of his biography it was very hard for him as he had to go to places in his past that he didn't want to revisit.
ALL THAT TO SAY...........he adores Hudson and has a fire in him to parent Hudson like no other....the very thing he was so afraid of has changed him into a man very different from the man he was before.
I am sure you have heard this from others but although adoption is hard and not for the faint of heart it is SUCH AN UNBELIEVALBE experience and causes you to view the Lord and how He view us so differently. Obviously your journey so far has taught you much!!!! I truly, truly feel for those who don't get to experience the journey that it is. You will one day say...."this isn't about what WE could do for the orphan but about what THEY do for us".....
I am excited for you, Robert, your girls and your little ones not yet home who will see God move mountains, meet needs in BIG and miraculous ways and bring you to the day when paperwork, phone calls, post office visits, fingerprintings, medical exams, blood, sweat and tears will transform into two beautiful, probably dirty, smelly kids being placed into the arms of their mom and dad meant from the beginning of time!!!! PURE JOY and the HEART of WHO HE IS!!!!!!!

Ottinger said...

Love it! Tona and I are excited for you guys! We've adopted four and love to hear about everyone's adoption journey. God has already begun to take you places you could never have imagined.

Praying for your journey-

Karen said...

Wow! So excited for you and will be praying for y'all. We brought home two boys Oct 10 and have been so blessed. You will be too!