Sunday, January 30, 2011

Break Their hearts for what breaks Yours

As many of you know we have two beautiful girls at home. We have really prayed that God would use this whole adoption journey to not only break our hearts for the things that break His but also theirs. We have been so encouraged to watch as God is doing just that. It was a week ago as we were on our way to church on Sunday morning that my eldest daughter sat in the back of our van weeping. As I began to ask her what it was that had her so upset she told me that she had been thinking about all of the older kids in Ghana who had no mom and dad and no place to call home. She asked if God would send someone for them like He had for our two kids. She said she had been praying that God would help them and that He would bring them moms and dads to love them. I saw her heart breaking as she imagined what it must be like to not have the things that she enjoys everyday. A mom and dad who love her, three full meals a day, a doctor and medicine readily available whenever she is sick, a roof over her head and a warm comfortable bed to sleep in with no fear for her safety. I saw her crying out to God pleading with Him on their behalf. And silently I said thank you God! Thank you for opening her eyes to a world outside of our comfortable suburban existence. Thank you for showing her how blessed she truly is. Thank you for the work you are doing in our family. May we never go back to sleep! I am so grateful for all that God is doing in our home through this adoption. This weekend I watched as my eldest daughter gathered two of her sweet friends along with her little sister and went out into the cold with a clipboard full of flyers and knocked on the doors of all of our neighbors telling them the story of how God has blessed her with a new brother and sister. Then she asked if they might be willing to buy homemade pies or cookies to help bring them home. She was hoping to raise maybe two hundred dollars. Well, by the end of the weekend she had collected over 500 dollars in orders. I loved watching God bless her efforts and I loved that two of her sweet friends also got to watch God work thru them. So needless to say there will be a whole lot of baking going on in the Livingston household over the next week or two. To all of you out there who contributed I just want to say thank you for the encouragement it was to our girls. And if any of you still want to order pies or cookies just let me know!


TheBowlingFamily said...

That is so sweet! I'm so glad their fundraiser went well! It's so cool to read what God is doing in your family through adoption!

Sharon said...

that is one of the BEST things about adopting when you have older kids. It is so awesome to watch their hearts go from being self-centered to caring about the orphans and willing to sacrifice to bring them home. WAY TO GO LIVINGSTON girls!!!!! This is where adoption is SO MUCH more than just bringing home kids, it can't help but change ALL involved and why I so wish more families would get it and realize we are all called in one way or another.